Here is my personal story about the importance of eating the right things and in the process losing weigth too.
All my life I struggled with my weigth. When I was young I ate lots of sugary things. Simply because there weren’t enough “sweet” things in my life.
Slowly I gained weigth. What I did then was to go on a diet.
I can diet fairly easy. Lots of disciplin and a goal and then it wasn’t too difficult.
After that I started eating normally again, including the sweet and sugary things.
Then I gained weigth again. And started dieting again.
That wasn’t good for my body at all of course.
I had to fill my body and my life with other things. With love and understanding and knowledge about what was driving me.
That happened when I started with Astrology. I learned who I was and why I was here on this earth. I also learned to love myself more and more.
But still I had too much weigth.

It wasn’t until 2007 that I found a way to loose weigth in a more easy and healthy way.
I started with the bloodtyp diet. Contrary to what the name suggests, it isn’t a diet at all.
It simply is eating what is right for your bloodtyp. The Canadian doctor Peter D’Adamo is the founder of this diet. You can read all about it here:
There is a large community with members that are willing to help you.
The book is called “Eat right for your type”. It is originally from 1997 and is available in multiple languages.
I started following this bloodtyp diet and without hunger, just by eating the right things I lost 22 pounds. Then it stopped. I was really happy with this, but I still had too much weigth.
I went on eating according to the bloodtyp diet and a few years later started with the genotype diet from the same doctor Adamo. The genotype diet is even more detailed than the bloodtyp diet. It is based on your dna and your genes. I felt so much better through all of this. I decided to let my weigth for what is was and accepted the overweigth.
If you have too much weigth it isn’t a simple thing. There are many things that contribute to your weigth.

I am very sensitive and I knew that the overweigth that I had was there, because I felt I needed that protection from the outside world.
In time however I became stronger. And this year, 2015, I felt that it was time to let go of the rest of the overweigth. But how to accomplish that?
I decided that I had to eat more vegetables and less carbs. But I don’t really like vegetables. So how could I do that?
I bought a blender and started to put my vegetables in it with some water. That way I could drink the vegatables. It is a great solution.
Until now I have lost 44 pounds. I still am a bit overweigthed, but I do feel so much better and I know in time I will lose the other pounds too.
So if you are struggling with your weigth, or simply want to live healthier, start with the Bloodtype diet. It will change you! Here are photos from me from 2002 until now.
