Op 9 Sept. 2017 is er een Wereld Healing Medicine Wheel Ceremonie en de Lancering van het nieuwe boek van Kiesha Crowther, Little Grandmother. Dit vindt plaats in Utrecht in de St. Janskerk. Van 19-23 uur.
Neem ook je eigen planten, zaden, kruiden en kristallen mee voor het Medicijn Wiel.
Het kost 35 Euro. Het Nederlandse boek is op 5 Juli 2017 beschikbaar.
Ik zal er zijn. Het is op mijn verjaardag!

Alle info hieronder:
Global Healing Medicine Wheel Ceremony & Little Grandmother's New Book Release!
9th of September 2017
7 PM - 11 PM
Utrecht ~ Janskerk
Little Grandmother is calling us together to take part in the creation of the global healing Medicine Wheel!
Plants, seeds, herbs, and crystals from all over the world have been gathered for this one, very special and very important night in which we the Tribe of Many Colors offer our love, healing, and respect to our Mother Earth.
Come take part in this very unique and much awaited evening with Little Grandmother and powerful guests in a night of ceremony, drumming, song, and prayers from the four corners of our globe. This powerful evening promises to ignite a deep and resounding sense of connection to the Sacred, to Mother Earth in all Her wondrous splendor and to your own beautiful and purposeful self.
You are much greater than you know, you are a literal spark of the Devine, a child of this earth and a brother and sister to all life that resides here. It is time to reawaken the sleeping wisdom that lives within you so that you remember who you are and what you are capable of! You are essential to this world at this time! Your gifts, your passion, your words, and actions determine the future of humanity, and it is time to understand both the blessing and the burden of that! It is time to rise together, it is time to stand as the strongest of the strong and lead the way into a new and brighter future. You... You are desperately needed to help heal our planet and the wounds of humanity! Did you think you were born to this planet for anything less? It is time to remember who you are!
“On this night you will not just attend a lecture.. but take part in one of the most anticipated and powerful ceremonies dedicated to the Healing of Mother Earth!”
Special guests for this powerful event include:
Signe Katrine Maso ~ Sami Grandmother
Daughter of Norway, Drummer and Yoiker
Laetitia Tillet
Daughter of Rwanda, Colombia and Belgium
Lived 3 years with the Kogi
Lucia Amaya
Daughter of the jungles of Columbia and Holland
Buddist Monk and Servant of Mother Earth
Musical Guest :
Kim Renuka Van Kuyk
Daughter of Mumbai India and Belgium
Singer and Song Writer
WHERE: Janskerk Utrecht, Janskerkhof 26, 3512 Utrecht
Driving and parking: http://www.janskerk-utrecht.nl/index.ph ... schrijving
WHEN: 9-9-2017, 7 PM – 11 PM (19:00 – 23:00)
PRICE: 35 Euros
BANK TRANSFER: (please add your email address to the transfer)
IBAN Bank number: NL52 TRIO 0197 8402 05,
Name: Little Grandmother, BIC: TRIONL2U
PAYPAL: 35 euros to paypal address beautyawakens@gmail.com
Thank you! As soon as the payment is received we will email the entrance ticket to your email address.
FOR MORE INFO: email Joyce, beautyawakens@gmail.com